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Engagement Session

Answering all of your engagement session questions!  Don't even wait another minute.  DIVE in NOW!

1. How far in advance should I schedule our session?

We'd recommend reaching out the season before the season you'd like your photos taken. Is your mind spinning from that answer? Like, yikes.


Here's what we mean by that. If you'd like FALL photos - then - reach out during the SUMMER to schedule a date.


2. Where are you based out of? And do you Travel?

Our home base is in West Point, Nebraska.  Most of our sessions actually take place in West Point. I do make trips to local farms & fields.

If you'd like your session to take place elsewhere, there is a small travel fee of $0.55 per mile.

3. How many images do you Typically deliver?

This will vary depending on your session, lighting, locations, and outfit changes. 

We average anywhere from 100 - 150 images during engagement sessions. 

4. Can we bring our dog?!?

Dog, cat, cow, horse, fish.  For real YES.  We LOVE getting to photograph couples with their pets!

5. What is your turnaround time on editing images?

Our turn around time can vary depending on the season your session takes place.  In general, fall is a very busy season - so sessions take a bit longer to edit because more sessions are taking place.

Normally, you can expect your images back within 3 - 4 weeks.

6.  We are awkward and have never taken photos together.

Exactly what you are feeling.... Guess what? 99.9% of couples feel that way. Unless you are Rip + Beth from Yellowstone. They are a total power couple.


We'll guide you in front of the camera and help you feel comfortable. Once you are comfortable, you are going to have so much fun. Just trust us!

7.  How Many Outfits should we bring?!?

Most couples end up wearing 1 - 2 outfits.  We would recommend sticking to that, and not bringing more than 3. For a quick change up, we recommend grabbing a jacket or hat to change up a look slightly.

Also, we'd recommend wearing shoes that you are comfortable in and not worried if they happen to get dirty. 

8. What if the weather is bad or we need to reschedule?

No problem.  If the weather is bad, we will either move your session time during that day or move it to another date.  Whatever works for all of us. 

We always make sure to have dates reserved on our calendar just for this reason.

9. When will the session take place and how long will it last?

Sunset is the best time to take photos, unless it is extremely cloudy.  We'll be in contact with you a few days before your session to decide on our meet up time.

Engagement sessions are about 60-90 minutes long.

10. Where will the session take place?

That is totally up to you guys. If you have a special place in mind - we would love to get to take your photos there. Photos taken in a meaningful place mean so much more!

Total bonus points if you ask us to take photos at your farm place

Ready to read more?  Head back over to our Bride + Groom VIP page  to choose another article to read.

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